GIC S*Myselisia's Celtic

[Celtic, Celts]
NFO d 03 22
Red blotchedtabby w. white
IC S*Myselisia's Pepino 
SW SC S*Myselisia's Northern Star, DVM
Title: Grand International Champion
Pedigree   |   Gallery
Breeder: S*Myselisia's
About Celtic
We weren't supposed to have another male right now, but we stumbled across a picture of Celtic when he was only a few days old and couldn't get him out of our heads, så we had to send a request on him.
Luckily he wasn't booked, and Cecilia and Thomas were positive about the thought of letting him move to Denmark if he developed as expected.
When he was 10 weeks old we went to see him and his breeder, and we were very happy about what we saw: A kitten with a super profile and top, super ear size and placement, charming color distribution, super boning and fantastic temper, so we could only book him.
GSD IV: N/N PK Deficiency: N/N Genotype:  AaD-iiSsmcmcwwO
HCM Status: Normal (2015-07-22)
Show: 7 x BIV - 9 x NOM - 3 x BIS
Litters: E-litter - BBQ-litter - G-litter
02.07.2016 Herning 5 Mr John Rudolph CAGCIB - NOM - BIS
24.04.2016 Malmö, SE 5 Ms Stephanie Serraï CAGCIB
23.04.2016 Malmö, SE 5 Mr Jörgen Frithiof CAGCIB
07.02.2016 Sorø 5 Mr Charles Spijker CAGCIB
05.09.2015 Ribe 5 Mr Yan Roca Folch CAGCIB
12.07.2015 Brejning 5 Ms Stephe Bruin CAGCIB
22.03.2015 Hedensted 5 Ms Pia Nyman CAGCIB - NOM
21.03.2015 Hedensted 5 Ms Donatella Mastrangelo CAGCIB
14.02.2015 Mölndal, SE 7 Mr Jørgen Billing CACIB
08.02.2015 Sorø - NFO show 7 Ms Anne Veland CACIB(2)
07.02.2015 Sorø 7 Mr Aliosha Romero CACIB
24.01.2015 Køge 9 Ms Olga Kommissarova CAC
11.01.2015 Brædstrup 9 Ms Bette Lind CAC - BIV
Brædstrup 9 Mr John Rudolph CAC - BIV - NOM
Vissenbjerg 11 Ms Ulrike Wahl EX1 - BIV - NOM - BIS
Vissenbjerg 11 Mr Marc Crastucci EX1 - BIV - NOM
Poznan, PL 11
Mr Robert Lubrano
Poznan, PL 11 Ms Donatella Mastrangelo EX1
19.10.2014 Kolding 11 Ms Stephe Bruin EX1 - NOM
18.10.2014 Kolding 11 Mr Alexey Schcukin EX1 - NOM - BIS
28.09.2014 Skælskør 11 Ms Ulrike Wahl EX1 - BIV - NOM
07.09.2014 Vorbasse 11 Mr Louis Coste EX1
06.09.2014 Vorbasse 11 Mr Marc Crastucci EX1
09.08.2017 Dragør  12 Mr Stephane Henry  EX2 
05.07.2014  Herning 12 Mr John Rudolph EX1 - BIV-T
15.06.2014  Alingsås, SE 12 Ms Åsa Hammarlund EX1
14.06.2014 Alingsås, SE  12 Mr Michael Edström EX1

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